Wednesday, March 12, 2025

FOOLPROOF Arguments Against Religion BELIEVERS Should Hear

Will ordinary working class CHRISTIANS , Catholics and Protestants with the gift of FAITH , be persuaded by obnoxious New Atheist Cult arguments against the existence of God , arguments made in a HATE GOD , HATE RELIGION , HATE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE tone ? Do any of the New Atheist Cult celebs have compelling arguments against CAPITALISM, AMERICAN IMPERIALISM , and ISRAELI ZIONISM ? Ask ( now dead ) often drunken New Atheist hero Christopher Hitchens , author of the Cult classic : " God is Not Great - how religion poisons everything " . Well ask his now sober ghost ! As a longtime independent democratic socialist I still find the Aristotle- Aquinas argument of an UNMOVED MOVER ( God ? ) quite philosophically respectable. Just as I find Karl Marx's argument for a labor theory of value, in the context of capitalist exploitation and oppression of the working class, quite philosophically respectable. Any half competent psychiatrist will tell you that FAITH cannot be undermined by college sophomoric and New Atheist contemptuous criticism. So who are the fans of the New Atheism Cult ? Most petty bourgeois neurotic intellectuals attached to the WOKE WARRIOR " progressive " Democratic Party. Well WOKE definitely lost Election 2024 in the United States. I voted WRITE-IN for the ghost of American socialist leader Eugene V. Debs. Like Ebenezer Scrooge after Jacob Marley's three haunting visits : " I do believe in ghosts ! I do believe in ghosts ! " As an Old Catholic type I believe even in the Holy Ghost.

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