Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Latest news on stock markets plunging amid fears of a recession

How many working class and struggling lower middle class Americans can with a minimum of anxiety invest " surplus " income in the Stock Market ? " OUR democracy " automatically excludes millions of citizens from investing in it ( read capitalism ) . The same way now more than a million homeless Americans are automatically excluded from finding a decent place to live - owned or rented. Americans with well paying jobs who also " play the market " with enthusiasm are oblivious to the very foundation of capitalism : the exploitation and oppression of the vast MAJORITY of the nation. Will a stock market + salary " prosperous " American physicist, for example , explain to me how our economic system can defy a law of the universe - YOU CAN'T GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING ( energy ) - and make so very few super-rich without harming the working class majority ? It is sad to see oh- so- smart, securely employed ,American scientists support THE SYSTEM , Our " WAY OF LIFE " , in the tone of slobbering lackeys. So devoted are they to a life of REASON ! [ Consider this opinion of prominent scientist J.D. Bernal : One perhaps long forgotten science scholar, J.D. Bernal writes , in his book " Science In History " : " Marx thus demonstrated that capitalism ,far from being a system of natural justice as the classical economists maintained, was one of extortion imposed by arbitrary force. It was the central concept of EXPLOITATION ,which the economists had hidden from themselves , that was to give the explosive force to Marx's teaching ". .... " It was not that workers and peasants had not felt exploited for centuries, it was rather that now they could understand the mechanism through which the exploitation was carried on ". " The implications of Marxism were so repugnant to the ruling bourgeoisie of the time that it is not surprising that for another fifty years all over the world , and until today in a large part of it , they were ignored and rejected by the official exponents of social science . "] ( Bernal's book was first published in Great Britain 1954 ) ]

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