Monday, March 10, 2025

Screenshot (Mar 10, 2025 5:32:20 PM)

I sometimes wonder if PAIN ,symbolized by the Cross for Catholics , is the real secret of all feeling LIFE beyond the mysterious chemical miracle DNA?Why would PAIN, first experienced in  some primeval ocean ,prefer struggling to oblivion? Could PAIN be the very foundation of human consciousness? It began with a moan! It must FEEL like something for a paramecium to be eaten alive by an amoeba.Millions of years later for a hideous dinosaur to be eaten alive by a more ferocious T Rex dinosaur? For the first magically conscious humans to be eaten alive by a wolf pack.A personal  God must know something about suffering? Where does Charles Darwin ponder PAIN in the " Origin of the Species"? Just the price LIFE pays for a responsive nervous system? For me it is all a great mystery.Of which I will not despair.A character in the Camus novel" The Plague"- a non believer seeing a child suffer- still aspired to be a saint! ( without God).He would not add to the misery around him.Nor would the hero of the novel his doctor friend.In this world- like so many socialists -always be on the side of the victims, on the side of the oppressed, the sick and the persecuted.GOODNESS a bridge between the living and the dead.Along with often impotent LOVE?

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