Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Health care as a HUMAN RIGHT will never become a reality in a capitalist society : Report: 1,000 nursing homes have closed
Imagine cant words and phrases to justify a colossal war crime : nuclear World War III ?
I wish Howard Zinn were still around today to counter the propaganda of FREE SPEECH in capitalist , imperialist USA
Misguided SOLDIER OF FORTUNE , Willy Joseph Cancel , 22 , killed in the Ukraine
" Nonviolence Institute reacts to overnight riots in Providence Caroline Goggin reports "
So what difference does it make if Elon Musk pretends to champion FREE SPEECH in " OUR democracy " . Zionist Jews will still censor the social media . My comment here was just removed "
Our animal friends die every day without worrying about the high cost of dying !
I see a 50 year old woman ( still charming, if no longer ADORABLE ) whom I once held in my arms as an infant. It does make you think !
The LEFT should at least agree that ZIONISM is incompatible with socialist internationalism
Friday, April 29, 2022
Perhaps COMMUNIST China will applaud as Russia goes SOVIET once again ?
Was young Brown graduate, Sen. Tiara Mack, D- Providence, corrupted by quack ZIONIST Jew " science " ?
British scientist J.D. Bernal in " Science in History " explained the significance of " exploitation " in the capitalist system
Thursday, April 28, 2022
What are the police all about ? Consult Marx's " Communist Manifesto "
When friend, URI math teacher, Bill Briden, and I discussed Bishop Berkeley 's Calculus conundrum of " the ghosts of departed quantities "
Where was my friend Bill Briden in 1971 53 Wesleyan Ave., Providence, Rhode Island ! A stately old gray house recognized by J.Edgar Hoover ?
Of course , the coming democratic socialist revolution in the United States will seize all the wealth of the plutocrat families . Like the Russian Bolsheviks did in 1917 ! The Wealth Of Elon Musk's Family
You can be sure that any individual put on some official " Disinformation Governance Board " is well rooted in DEEP STATE of the American plutocracy
The Jesus Christ of the Gospels is so unlike any famous PERSONALITY in history
The view from Russia
Some background on Elon Musk. From the Jerusalem Post :
Providence School Teachers Are Mostly Shallow Union Groupies
Will CHAMPION OF FREE SPEECH Elon Musk CENSOR my anti-war comments ?
Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial and the collapse of the #MeToo movement David Walsh article on the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
" The Importance of Living " by Lin Yutang - I was inspired by this book many years ago
Allan Fung , Rhode Island Republican candidate for Congress , is probably right about being able to attract both Rhode Island's Donald Trump supporters and disappointed Joe Biden voters.
From the Jerusalem Post - some background on Elon Musk : " His first name may resemble the Hebrew name Ilan, but that’s the extent of Musk’s personal Jewishness.
Scenes from Peggy Noonan's book, " Life , Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness " , would make a captivating Hollywood movie.
Past readers of his Providence Journal columns must hope that Bob Kerr has kept a post-2014 personal diary . If it were published I would certainly buy it .
" if there is hope it lies in the proles ! " Many years after his assassination in Mexico 1940 Leon Trotsky remains an unsullied revolutionary character
Fwd: Providence , Rhode Island Mayor Elorza's Crying Meltdown in Public
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 at 13:23
Subject: Providence , Rhode Island Mayor Elorza's Crying Meltdown in Public
To: Gregg, Katherine <>
I can understand the reported breakdown ( April 26 ? ) of Providence Mayor Elorza . Above all Providence , Rhode Island is a victim of its own mass poverty . No way can the Providence Public Schools be resurrected from the black hole of neighborhood destitution. It is NOT racism. It is the cruel reality of decaying capitalism. It is naive to think that some political genius , some crafty politician with an overblown ego - a LARGE personality - can magically fix things. Come back , Buddy ? Most people- whatever their social status - sincerely love their children. But what chance do even relatively privileged kids - like the Mayor's beloved son - have for happiness in a rapidly decaying civilization ? Mayor Elorza's WOKE Democratic Party is now actively planning nuclear World War III . It has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years now. If they only KNEW , even the kids would cry about their bleak future. And the present obnoxious NEW WOKE ORDER . Did Harvard University envision all this ?
We democratic socialists are not cheer leaders for any toxic patriotism or for any aggressive imperialist nation-state.
How does Putin's POST COMMUNIST Russia offend American imperialism and the rest of the so called FREE WORLD ?
"China calls out US war crimes "
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
What is American imperialism's case against Putin's POST-COMMUNIST Russia
Perhaps Palestinian voices might benefit from Elon Musk's ballyhooed FREE SPEECH revolution on Twitter ?
Zionist Jew writer calls for nuclear weapons in NATO war on Russia
Peter Camejo 1969 : " How to Make a Revolution in the United States "
How it's done
Now, how does the ruling class do it? Here, you've got some 30,000 people running a society of 200 million and most of the people in the society don't even know it. In the past, ruling classes were proud of their role. They would walk around with feathers in their hats, or big robes and things, and when they went down the street, people would say: "Hey, there goes one of our ruling class." Nowadays, they don't do that. Now, they can slip on the campus where you are, and somebody in the ruling class could walk right by, and you wouldn't even know it. They dress just like you. They're incognito.
Rockefeller would never come to your campus and say: "Hi, how're you doing? Are you studying hard, getting your degrees so you can come to work for me and make me richer?" No, they don't do that. They go around saying that there aren't classes in America, that everybody's middle-class, only that some are a little more middle-class than others. In other words, they are ashamed of their own existence. They have to hide it. And there are good reasons for that. One of their problems, of course, is that they're so small. Why, there are more than 30,000 people on just one or two campuses.
Now, how do they maintain their rule? To find this out you can try an experiment. Get all dressed up, put on a jacket and tie, and walk into some corporation and say: "Hello, I'm a sociologist, I'm here to do a study. Could I just walk around and talk to people?" And then you walk up to somebody and say: "Who's your supervisor?" And he'll point to someplace, and you find someone with a little name plate, and it's a supervisor. And you ask him: "Who's your supervisor?" And he'll point to a different place, and you walk in and there'll be a rug. And you say to him: "Who's your supervisor?" And he'll point to a different floor, and you'll find it gets harder and harder to get in the doors. There's more and more secretaries, and phones, and the rug gets thicker and thicker. Eventually you have to make appointments. And then you hit the sound barrier. Here is where you switch from the people who carry out decisions to people who make the decisions. And that's your local ruling class.
The structure
By the way, if you test out any institution in our society, you'll find they are structured in the same way. A pyramid from the top going down. That's the way all institutions are structured in this democratic country. This goes for government, for the political parties, the army, the churches, the universities, for every basic institution. And when you get to the very top of these structures, to the most powerful people, you will invariably find people who own big property.
Now, how do they keep the structure going? It's a very subtle thing. In the United States, we have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and other democratic rights. So, say you go to your job one day and test it. Wear a big button that says, "Vote Socialist". And watch how fast you get promoted. Watch how you are treated. Formally you have the right to have any political view you want. But, the truth is that in all these institutions there is a very worked out, institutionalised way of going up. And on the way up, you sell your individuality, you commit yourself to the values of the system.
And you learn very fast that in return for full commitment to the system — for personal discipline, for showing up every morning wearing the right clothes, keeping your hair short, and the rest — in return, you get privileges. It's done on the basis of privileges. That is what holds the society together.
When was the last time you heard someone say: "Capitalism's a great society"? When did you hear anyone say: "Just think what our 30,000 ruling class has done for us. We should give them our full support." They never say that. They don't try to build up an ideological support for capitalism in the sense of telling you the full truth.
All the institutions under capitalism are ideological institutions in the sense that all of them maintain and demand support for the system. So it should be no surprise to you that the higher you go in a corporation, the higher you go in the university structure, the higher you go in the army, the people get more and more reactionary. They get more and more consciously pro the system; they are more and more for whatever crimes the system has to commit. They simply wouldn't be there if they weren't. This is why you can never capture the existing apparatus and use it for making a basic change.
Peter Camejo, 1969
How to make a revolution in the United States
Source : Speech at an educational conference of the US Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialist Alliance, May 3, 1969, printed in abridged form in The Militant, May 30, 1969
Transcription and mark-up : by Steve Painter
Revolutionary socialists have been accused for many years of wanting to overthrow the US government by force and violence. When they accuse us of this, what they are really trying to do is to imply that we want to abolish capitalism with a minority, that we want to force the will of the minority on the majority. The opposite is the truth. We believe we can win a majority of the people in this country to support a change in the system. It will be necessary to make a revolution precisely because the ruling powers will not peacefully accept a majority rule which wants a basic change.
How can a revolution involving a majority of the people actually take place in the United States? This is the question I want to discuss today.
First of all, you have to have clear in your mind the meaning of the word "revolution". Many people have a stereotyped picture of what a revolution is like. They say a revolution is when people come with guns, when they surround a fortress or take over a city. What they do is they confuse revolution with insurrection. Insurrection is just one stage of revolution. Revolution is a lot more. It's a long process.
In a certain way you can make a parallel between revolution and pregnancy. In the very early stages of pregnancy, if just on empirical evidence you ask whether or not someone is pregnant, the answer will be no. However, with the use of science you can determine whether the person is pregnant very early. Later on it becomes evident for everybody to see.
The same thing is true of social revolution. In the early stages most people don't see it. You always begin on the assumption that in every society that needs a revolution, the majority of the people don't think it's possible. This is most certainly true for the period in American history we are in right now. We're in the early stages of the third American revolution. I say the third revolution because we've had two others — the revolution of 1776 and the civil war.
Leon Trotsky - 90 years of the Communist Manifesto
The FOR PROFIT health care system in the United States is making residence in almost any nursing home in Rhode Island a nightmare for senior citizens with NO EXIT prospects
What will ZIONIST Jew " science " think of next ? APARTHEID Israel as the greatest democracy in the world ?
First anti-war protests in the United States misguided by DEEP STATE big lies
" What does Elon Musk's Twitter buyout mean for free speech? " NOT MUCH !
Perhaps Elon Musk might check quite unintentionally ZIONIST Jew control of the mainstream news media in the United State
FREE SPEECH in the USA -that is the issue ? just what is our quarrel with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? It does not rise to the high ethical standards of " OUR democracy " where a definite plutocracy controls the mainstream news media , and even the social media ? A definite plutocracy both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. How is our plutocracy better for the world than Russia's oligarchy ?