Friday, June 4, 2021

Where is my YOU TUBE post to which this guy replied ?

Where is MY post to which this guy replied ? KesArt Highlighted reply KesArt 18 hours ago @Ron Ruggieri I will assume one of several possibilities holds here, mate: You are purposefully attempting to wind people up with such inflammatory rhetoric; you are staggeringly ignorant of post World War II geopolitics and the consistent and often quite virulent antagonism expressed by Soviet--now Russian--leaders toward western democracies, with the brief respite of "glasnost" and "perestroika" (I recall being a child and watching a broadcast from the United Nations during which Nikita Krushchev, then Premier of the Soviet Union, pounded the desk with his shoe and bellowed--at the American ambassador--"We will bury you!"); or that you are "a plant," an individual operating on behalf of Russian interests. Of course one more possibility remains: You are an avid Trump supporter who is attempting to lay the groundwork for an ex-ante defense of criticism of Trump's inexplicable and indefensible coziness with Vladimir Putin well before Trump begins his run for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, for such criticism will most certainly rain down upon candidate-redux Trump.

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