Monday, June 21, 2021

What this awful PANDEMIC should teach the human race

[What this awful PANDEMIC should teach the world is just how pernicious is NATIONALISM in all its forms . MOTHER NATURE has laughed at all boundaries for millions of years . She invented DIVERSITY during the so called " Cambrian Explosion " 500 million years ago . WE HUMANS are indeed ONE species. Our DNA says so ! Pernicious nationalism and global capitalism can only lead us into a new Permian Age - an age of mass extermination of life on Earth. The ENEMY is not Russia, China, Iran, North Korea. It is US - US and a seemingly indifferent universe where wonderful things happen and terrible things happen. As far as WE know WE alone have intelligent consciousness -way above the animal world -and moral conscience as if WE were responsible to Creator and Creation . What we might NEVER know should be cause for profound humility.] Mass demonstrations erupt across Brazil as COVID deaths pass 500,000 mark WSWS.ORG Mass demonstrations erupt across Brazil as COVID deaths pass 500,000 mark Hundreds of thousands took to the streets against the homicidal policies pursued by the Bolsonaro government in the face of the pandemic.

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