Friday, June 4, 2021

Is Providence teacher union racist ?

The Providence school system has been a dysfunctional mess for decades. It has nothing to do with a " racist" teachers union and everything to with economic CLASS, with hopeless poverty.Ironically these powerful public school teacher unions are promoting the controversial- and absurd- CRITICAL RACE THEORY where you have a hard core of ZIONIST Jew educators -supporters of APARTHEID Israel-claiming that mostly Christian white people are just born racists!This obsession with RACE and HATE is poisoning the soul of " OUR democracy".Wisely the Catholic Church has preached for 2000 years that ALL human beings are potential SINNERS.It has something to do with ORIGINAL SIN.And Jesus also preached LOVE and FORGIVENESS.There is no FORGIVENESS in DNC based vicious identity politics ! There is much HATE! State education official claims Commissioner Infante-Green attacked using ‘racist commentary’ and ‘character assassination’ - The Boston Globe BOSTONGLOBE.COM State education official claims Commissioner Infante-Green attacked using ‘racist commentary’ and ‘character assassination’ - The Boston Globe Victor Capellan, a senior advisor to the commissioner, wrote that

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