This is not a simple story. The tragedy of the Rosenbergs is that they were loyal not to " communism " or socialism as a political ideal - millions of people around the world still proudly call themselves COMMUNISTS or SOCIALISTS - but to the cynical Soviet era Stalinist bureaucracy .Read " The Revolution Betrayed " by Leon Trotsky.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was actually predicted by Trotsky before his assassination in Mexico in 1940 by a Stalinist agent. But the downfall of " communism " in Russia was not a vindication of the capitalist economic system - now in yet another severe world crisis.

 There is simply no reason for the workers of the world to be content with the phony " democracy " of decaying capitalism and moribund imperialism.

The enthusiastic young crowds for " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders were no puzzle to democratic socialists.

What was puzzling was his endorsement of Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary. Bernie and " The Political Revolution Betrayed " .
Image result for enthusiastic crowds for Bernie Sanders
Young people hardly turned off by " socialist " Sanders