Sunday, January 22, 2017

Our military industrial complex is not all about love and tolerance

As a democratic socialist I paid close attention to the presidential campaigns of Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton.
 Both politicians ignored the proverbial elephant in the room: Pentagon preparation for World War III.
 Our military industrial complex is not all about love and tolerance , the feminist agenda for " room at the top " or the gay agenda for diversity worship.

The oh-so-tolerant and politically correct Hillary Democrats have evolved into a neo-con war party burning all bridges to the rest of us working class " deplorables ". 

They are promoting an ugly New McCarthyism -spreading the lie that far away- in- Russia Vladimir Putin sabotaged the presidential election that Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary was destined to win.

[ Apart from typical upper class male sexism for his generation when did Donald Trump ever declare war on women's rights or on the Civil Rights Act of 1965 ?]

Image result for The Pentagon and LOVE
The Pentagon of Love & Tolerance

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