Tuesday, January 17, 2017

John Lewis disgraced the memory of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

John Lewis disgraced whatever civil rights era prestige he earned by -suddenly- being a voice -very unlike Martin Luther King- for a USA opposed to world peace.

The Neo-McCarthyism being spread by the neo-con Democratic Party - the party of Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary- is based on an Orwellian BIG LIE : that Russia's Vladimir Putin sabotaged an American presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump.

But how ? In the Rust Belt states was it not enough that those working class " deplorables " felt betrayed by the Clintons ?

Remember the shock of the " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders winning the Michigan primary ?

Sanders also humiliated Hillary Clinton in economically depressed Rhode Island. ( The state delegation led by Hillary pal Governor Gina Raimondo supported Hillary at the Democratic National Convention - American " democracy " in action ) .

Both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had a negative attitude toward American capitalism. My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " .
                No wonder the FBI befriended them.

Image result for " Uncle Tom " John Lewis

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