Sunday, January 22, 2017

Anti-Trump women on the march... but FOR what ?

In general, the democratic Left loves MASS ACTION. But these demonstrations lack political clarity and therefore play into the hands of Establishment USA - which pre-selected Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary as " the first woman president of the United States "..

Hard to believe that all this fervor goes into self-defeating support for the status quo in America : bipartisan attacks on the working class as a CLASS and blind support for militarism and hostility to nuclear powers Russia and China.

[ In 1917 the Russian Revolution inspired a wave of militant feminism. ]

 "Media reporting of the demonstrations presented the protests as centered around the demand for reproductive rights, as well as various identity politics issues. Commentators were forced to admit, however, that a large portion of participants in the demonstrations were motivated by much broader issues, including opposition to Trump’s program of aggressive militarism, domestic repression, and pro-business policies. "  ( WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE report )

Image result for russian revolution and women's rights
Stalinism and war checked progress for women in Russia

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