Thursday, January 19, 2017

For Edward Snowden a Nobel Peace Prize ?

From the perspective of working class " democracy " Edward Snowden is a hero-more worthy of any Nobel Peace Prize than President Barack Obama.

 He could-with some irony- share that prestigious prize with Russia's Vladimir Putin who correctly perceived Hawk Hillary Clinton as the face of World War III.

The American working class has no " interest " in a belligerent foreign policy toward nuclear powers Russia and China, no interest in the New Colonialism in the Middle East.

 America is goaded on the road to war by too many unsavory -even less " democratic "- allies- like those representing Old Europe Imperialism.

 And in the Middle East did ordinary working class Americans ever decide that WE have " a special relationship " with Zionist Israel and barbaric Saudi Arabia ?

The Hillary Democrats are promoting a rotten New McCarthyism.They have burned all bridges to the American working class " deplorables "

 It was THEY - not Vladimir Putin- who just said NO to " Wall St. Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary ".

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