Thursday, July 28, 2016

Vladimir Putin is right in denouncing the idea of " American exceptionalism "

I am amazed how the far right could excoriate both President Obama and Hillary Clinton as some shade of Marxist themselves- getting guidance and inspiration in their political youth from the likes of one Saul Alinsky , author of the left-wing cult classic " Rules for Radicals ".

No politically literate democratic socialist would mistake any loyal Democrat - not even Bernie Sanders- for Marxists .

So this Putin denounced American " exceptionalism " is little more than a national myth ? America forever rejects political extremists on the right and on the left ? That would suggest that America has a highly stable and fearless middle class - which it does not. Fascism can happen here. .

In the final analysis, only democratic socialism can save America from ruin and hopeless civil strife.And the Democratic Party sabotaged Bernie's incipient " political revolution ".

But Vladimir Putin was right. This ex-communist must understand that no rational view of history would make any nation or people " exceptional ."

" The Arrogance of Power " is speaking here.

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