Thursday, July 28, 2016

After tonight the American presidential campaign will fade in public interest

I just had a long conversation on the phone with an old friend about this presidential campaign. He would be more likely to vote for Hillary as a " lesser evil " than I am. He also thought President Obama made " a great speech " last night. Nevertheless, he thinks Trump will win because nobody can make " Corrupt Hillary " look better than she is.

I think after tonight the presidential campaign will fade in interest. Who wants to hear three long months of brainless name- calling ? The supporters of Trump will call Hillary " corrupt " and the supporters of Hillary will call Trump a racist , a bigot , and even a fascist.

There might be such a low voter turn out that it will be judged a constitutional crisis in the United States.

The most cynical of all Democrats tell us not to be cynical. They sabotaged Bernie Sanders' moderate " political revolution ".

But political revolution is lot bigger than dubious " socialist " Democrats.

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