Saturday, July 23, 2016

Democratic socialists would extend the right to vote to all prison inmates

In the context of a society which produces so much unacceptable economic and social inequality allowing even convicted " criminals " still in prison to have this measure of collective power - the right to vote - certainly makes sense from the perspective of democratic socialism.

I see this as a check on the documented inhumanity of our overcrowded " American Gulag "

Socialist - and idol of Bernie Sanders - Eugene V. Debs ran for president of the United States inside a prison cell. I am sure his fellow inmates would have loved to vote for him.

How many prisoners are , in truth, political prisoners ?

Eugene V. Debs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Debs ran as a Socialist candidate for President of the United States five times, including 1900 (earning 0.63% of the popular vote), 1904 (2.98%), 1908 (2.83%), 1912 (5.99%), and 1920 (3.41%), the last time from a prison cell.

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