After listening to several hours of right wing ( " Red Eye " ) talk radio early this morning I welcome this more realistic view of " our finest ". The American working class " respects " the police out of respect for normal " law and order ". But they do not idealize the police. Any striking worker on a picket line knows what the police are all about : protecting the private property interests of the ruling class. That is just ABC of " democratic socialism ".
CLASS explains these killer cops better than RACE in general. And yes, our New Colonialism war crimes in the Middle East are coming home to roost . Black Muslim Malcolm X made the same point way back in 1963 when President Kennedy was shot in Dallas.
Malcolm X made a connection of racism with capitalism , a connection of racism with U.S. imperialism.
The solution to this chaos ? Whatever happened to the Bernie Sanders " political revolution " ? Forget about the fatuous " identity politics " of hawkish, " Wall St. Hillary ".
Jaded feminism won't help much either.Neither will a lying pseudo-liberal news media.