Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Neo-con Hillary Clinton no better for " angry working class " than Donald Trump

What have the neo-Democrats done for the American working class since the beginning of the Great Recession ? " Responsible " Hillary is -like any other neo-con- responsible to the American plutocracy . She is the candidate of Wall St. and the Pentagon. 

    Putting far right candidate Donald Trump aside, what does the American working class have to gain with Hillary Clinton in the White House ? 

        More of the same economic stagnation at best and HER as Commander in Chief of World War III ?

     What difference does it make ? Hillary Clinton is trying to appeal to " traditional " Republicans- not Trump 's " angry white working class ". And so Senator Elizabeth Warren won't help here. 

     I think the supporters of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders -who can think for themselves- should consider Jill Stein, the presidential candidate of the Green Party. 

   And they should start paying more attention to the Pentagon's war plans .

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