Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cultural brainwashing via children's books - classic fairy tales an anti-dote.

A lot of cultural brainwashing can be delivered via children's books. I do think children should be encouraged to read classic fairy tales - those of Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen.

That story of the little , " naughty " Japanese boy abandoned by his parents in a creepy woods reminded me of the " Hansel and Gretel " tale- a real nightmare.

       William Steig's " Shrek " recalls a TV Twilight Zone episode : " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ". After watching that episode a thoughtful kid might be more inclined to agree with Kant or Plato on TRUTH and BEAUTY.

       Too much emphasis on cultural relativism may suggest to young people that there is no such thing as objective truth.- a convenient idea for our daffy plutocracy ( " Do we love only people like us
" ? )

Hansel and Gretel - a real nightmare
Children's books can teach hard ideas

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