Monday, June 13, 2016

If you want to change thinking, you must change " being "

If the root of terrorism is ideology, how do you declare war on ideology ? The Nazis lost World War II but Hitler's " Mein Kampf " is being once again published in Italy. The Soviet Union collapsed in the early 90s , but communism and socialism are still embraced by millions of educated, intelligent people around the world.
Should Christians and Jews be interrogated on how seriously they take the holy text of the New and Old Testaments ? Recall the " moral " basis of the Salem Witchcraft Trials: " Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live ".
A basic thesis of historical materialism is that social being determines social consciousness. So if you want to change the thinking of people, you would be wise to first investigate the conditions of their life.
Does living in an occupied country make you fond of the occupiers ? I just read that imperialist Britain drew the present day boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Don't blame Western imperialism for this mess in the Middle East ?

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