Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Is Islam a religion of hate ? Listen to Malcolm X

Is Islam a religion of hate ? Let me quote Black Muslim Malcolm X here: " The Koran compels the Muslim world to take a stand on the side of those whose human rights are being violated., no matter what the religious persuasion of the victim is. Islam is a religion which concerns itself with the human rights of all mankind,despite race ,color, or creed. It recognizes all ( everyone) as part of one human family ".
So it is disgraceful for any fair minded American citizen to contribute to the spread of Islamophobia in this country. And this professional Islamophobe, Pamela Geller, should be exposed as the hate monger she is. Geller is already banned in the United Kingdom. She named her blog " Atlas Shrugged " in honor of the Republican Party's Queen of Mean Ayn Rand. Rand was a militant atheist and crackpot true believer in the capitalist value system . She wrote " The Virtue of Selfishness " and was buried under a floral design in the shape of a dollar sign... $$$$$. She thought the Islamic Palestinians were inferior human beings , inferior to the Jewish settlers of modern Israel.
There is no inherent conflict between scholarly interpretation of the Old Testament and scholarly interpretation of the Koran. Fanatics are found in ALL faiths .

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