As a democratic Socialist and a registered Democrat myself in Rhode
Island I give critical support to this " socialist " Democrat , Senator
Bernie Sanders of Vermont. For years we have heard right wing Tea Party
Republicans-themselves besotted with Ayn Rand-claim that neo-liberal
Democrats- who rarely ever talk about the poor, working class
Americans-politicians like Hillary Clinton, President Obama- were
Marxists taking capitalist loving America down the dirty, worn down
So the un-demonizing of the WORD socialism was
long overdue.Young people demand a rational explanation for the MADNESS
of their world.
Question : how long can a serious
socialist survive in the soul-cramped Democratic Party ? You can be sure
that Sanders will end his presidential campaign with an obscene embrace
of Hillary or Joe Biden-the Old Establishment.
But the ideal of
Socialism will never die. It did not die with the death of the
Stalinist Soviet Union. True democracy can only be SOCIALIST democracy.
So the un-demonizing of the WORD socialism was long overdue.Young people demand a rational explanation for the MADNESS of their world.
Question : how long can a serious socialist survive in the soul-cramped Democratic Party ? You can be sure that Sanders will end his presidential campaign with an obscene embrace of Hillary or Joe Biden-the Old Establishment.
But the ideal of Socialism will never die. It did not die with the death of the Stalinist Soviet Union. True democracy can only be SOCIALIST democracy.