Monday, October 26, 2015

Harpy Hillary must prove her " macho-man " soul by hawkish state-craft

      Harpy Hillary's state-craft is wicked enough without associating her with witchcraft. And I have an Edward Snowden perspective on her email " scandal " : most state secrets are an elitist conspiracy behind the backs of ordinary, peace-loving American citizens.
Neither Hillary Clinton nor the slain American ambassador were on any Nobel Peace Prize winning mission.
Harpy Hillary-as Ralph Nader points out- needs to prove her " macho-man " soul by ordering pointless military aggression.
That was the whole point of her rude snub of pacifist Lincoln Chafee in the Great Debate. What FEMINIST progress- a female warrior in the White House !
Yes, Hillary Clinton has certainly betrayed her Vietnam Era youthful idealism : " When will we ever learn... when will we ever learn ".
Afghanistan and Iraq are FAILED WARS just like the Vietnam War- and just as criminal ( the latest U.S. war crime the bombing of Doctors Without Borders trauma hospital in Afghanistan ).
Benghazi attack on American consulate

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