Saturday, November 1, 2014

Satan still very real in " Catholic Family News "

Now and then my dear sister - a real Catholic angel- leaves me some recent copies of a Traditional Catholic periodical "Catholic Family News". I read it because it has an interesting perspective on THE FAITH- which was subverted by Vatican II. So it argues on every page.

I myself still attend mass now and then - mostly memorial masses  - and never cease to feel a certain nostalgia for the Catholic Church of my youth. I miss the mystique of an UNWORLDLY Church- not at home in a very modern country: New World America. I get a feel for Old Catholicism when I listen to a Beethoven, Mozart, Bach solemn high Requiem Masses, always sung in ancient Latin.

There are jewels of wisdom in this rotting conservatism. The periodical is dated September 2014. But it has the spiritual atmosphere of 1814 New Orleans. But WISDOM is ageless. A front page lamentation in "Catholic Family News": THE SUBVERSION OF EDUCATION AND OUR CHILDREN  .... " An education is bad if it produces clever writers, brilliant engineers, shrewd financiers, astute politicians, BUT NOT GOOD MEN" (my emphasis). To be sure the writer is not impressed with public education in the United States.

Can timeless wisdom give the student a deep MORAL SENSE, which sometimes can FEEL EVIL as a palpable presence?

My attention is caught by this decidedly Old World terror: "BLACK MASS Scheduled for Oklahoma City." It reads like an old Edgar Allan Poe horror story. Reading it, I re-experience the shocked fear and trembling aroused by the now cult film "The Exorcist" based on the book by William Blatty. Something EVIL is happening here- whatever it is ... IS something to fear!

A summary of the story: A high priest of a Satanic cult "planned to defile and desecrate the consecrated Host during a BLACK MASS" (scheduled for September 21 in a theater in the city's Civic Center. The high priest of the cult, one Adam Daniels, a convicted sex offender, is devoted to the Zoroastrian god with the spooky name of Ahriman, their god of ignorance and destruction. Tickets for the BLACK MASS are selling for 15.00 dollars. Arch-Bishop Coakley calls it obscene and blasphemy. Because the Satan worshipers claim that they will say their BLACK MASS with a Host stolen from a Catholic Church, the Archbishop saw an opening for a lawsuit.

High priest Adam Daniels insists on his civil rights. In the ritual his wife-also devoted to Satan - will lie provocatively on her back on the altar, with a silver chalice between her bent and unclothed legs. The high priest and his acolytes will proceed to ejaculate and urinate on this consecrated Host. He will shout "I desire the elixer of ecstasy for my blasphemy." The high priest tells some reporter that the ritual began in 1300 with priests and nuns lusting with sexual fever and getting together on holy floors to satisfy forbidden desires. But now -damned souls-praying to Satan- the arch-enemy of Christ and His Church.

The Arch-Bishop Coakley won a partial victory over this truly demented cult. A lawyer for cult returned the stolen already consecrated Host to Coakley. But the Satanic BLACK MASS took place as scheduled at 7:30 pm at the Civic Center theater which can seat only about 100 people. About 40 people attended this Satanic Black Mass- whose stated purpose is to mock God and the Roman Catholic Church and all the ACCURSED GOODNESS it represents.

One of those who attended was just a curious college student, himself not concerned so much with being a GOOD MAN as being a CULTURED, SOPHISTICATED SNOB.

To add to the Satanic theatrics, the music theme from "The Exorcist" - TUBULAR BELLS - was played at the beginning of the EVIL ritual.

As a divine counter force to this public BLASPHEMY the Arch-Bishop alerted every priest in his diocese. Say the mass! Pray the rosary! Say special prayers to  St. Michael the Archangel. Also ABSTAIN FROM MEAT for a definite period. There was an outside Procession of the Holy Eucharist while the blasphemy was being carried out by the Satanic cult.

But what if the Satanist had, in fact, NEVER used a  Sacred Host in their weird hateful ritual? A sordid hoax?

But like Father Merras in "The Exorcist", the good Catholic priests know that SATAN IS A LIAR. And, after all, "would you believe the word of a satanist?"

It is indeed EVIL to mock the ancient and sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church : "It is the center of Catholic worship and celebrates Jesus Christ's redemption of the world by His death and resurrection."

In the beginning of "The Exorcist" movie old Father Meras is doing an an architectural dig somewhere in not so modern Iraq-of all places (now dealing with the EVIL of Isis, the spreading Islamic State)

Father Meras senses that some Anti-Christ form of energy is about to be let loose again on the world.

But EVIL can assume quite other forms in the very modern world of high energy physics. Finally, they have found the GOD PARTICLE, no doubt named by a scientist with the soul of Dr. Viktor Frankenstein. In the 1957 movie, "The Curse of Frankenstein", the first horror film in ghastly, lurid color, the evil scientist confesses his REAL crime to a Catholic priest. The ungodly fiend had literally dissolved in vat a of hydrochloric acid. But Viktor is executed for murder anyway. His real sin was the sin of BLASPHEMY - making himself the EQUAL of the Creator!

The news of the finding of the GOD PARTICLE horrified atheist theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawkins. THEY can rip the very fabric of spacetime. THEIR Big Bang will destroy the known universe!

And the old fiend Ahriman- god of ignorance and destruction- has the last laugh on GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, and GOD THE HOLY GHOST ?  No, I think not. That is my Old Faith speaking.

I have a Proustian memory: I am 13 years old again in the year 1960, a student at St. Michael's School in South Providence. My classmates at St. Michael's attended the consecration on the church grounds of a new statue of St. Michael the Archangel. That statue is still there. On some days usually in late Autumn, on one of my Lovecraftian walks, I visit it and REMEMBER a Catholic youth.

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