Monday, November 3, 2014

Give me Mother Teresa, please!

After it is all over, this Rhode Island election day circus, could I get most Rhode Islanders to agree with me that Gina Raimondo has the same LIBERAL position on abortion as most other Rhode Island Catholic politicians? And Jorge Elorza -despite some ambiguous remarks- is not eager for any VILLAGE ATHEIST role, not eager to banish God from the public schools–as if he could! Fanatical anti-Catholicism is not what they are about.

That being said, I am seriously considering Bishop Tobin's suggestion that we vote for Mother Teresa as an alternative in most important races. For me- a socialist- Mother Teresa – now conveniently dead– has the virtue (beside sainthood) of best reflecting my CLASS interests.

I cannot ignore ex-Trotskyist Christopher Hitchen's criticism of her as a fraud. But he himself had degenerated into a drunken, God hating, professional atheist. I have no problem with sincere atheists. But when did a bunch of atheists ever get together to do something more constructive than bash THE FAITH of millions in a loving God?

Do they ever set up soup kitchens for the poor or shelters for the homeless? When the great Italian poet Dante conceived his nine circles of Hell, he left out a special circle for intellectual snobs.

Even the late great Humanist, Isaac Asimov- a writer I still love- reflected that God just might exist and He would be kind to most agnostics and atheists. But would He forgive wise guy, punk atheism?

The New Atheists are lacking Humanist Asimov's kindness and manners. They have lost touch with common humanity.

Give me a CHOICE between the likes of Christopher Hitchens and Mother Teresa–Mother Teresa without hesitation!

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