Monday, November 3, 2014

Compassion for campaigning Politicians: "My mother was a saint!"

Negative campaign ads suggests-quite contrary to the simple truth-that Rhode Island politicians- presently holding office or seeking office-are inherently corrupt types eager to sell their souls to the highest bidder.

My own observation is that they are considerably less corrupt than MOST make-a-buck-business geeks.

They are FORCED to campaign clownishly for JOBS they they think are highly desirable. Once in office it becomes clear that THE JOB could be done just as well by the defeated opponent. It also does not matter if they Catholics, Protestants, Jews, atheists, if they are black, white, Asian, if they are male or female, gay, straight, or bisexual.

Any government job usually just DEFINES ITSELF regardless of WHO is doing it. The system simply does not permit much CREATIVITY in public office. There may be opportunities for corruption, but that is true of any job- a security guard, for example.

Above all, creativity is limited by NECESSITY–a limited budget. I tell anybody who is interested that I am a socialist. But if I were  suddenly and very surprisingly elected Mayor of Cranston, could I possibly do a BETTER JOB than Mayor Fung? No, not with his budget restrictions. Apart from not winking at corrupt pals, could I do a BETTER JOB than Mayor Vincent "Buddy" Cianci? No, not with his budget restriction.

PERSONALITY certainly matters when you have to deal with THE PUBLIC every day. But I suspect it is quite irrelevant to THE JOB itself. And, of course, the AUTHORITY of any elected official is rather narrowly defined legally.

It would first of all take a profound REVOLUTION of CONSCIOUSNESS to change all this. And a rational attitude toward WEALTH- as nothing but our collective social surplus product. Nothing mysterious about AVAILABLE QUANTITY and alternative ways of distributing the social surplus product, after everyone is guaranteed a decent standard of living.

Under a more tolerable form of Socialism a lot will change in American politics. To be sure, no money will be wasted on creating false images of REAL public servants. In fact the whole capitalist based public relations industry will quickly disappear. In fact, you will cease to hear any annoying ads on radio or TV.

For now, we must forgive our mostly likable politicians their pathetic phoniness. They probably really do love  their working class Pop who supported a family on sweat shop wages. They probably  do love  dear old Mom. "My mother was saint!" cried the disgraced American president, Richard M. Nixon. And we can believe it!

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