Thursday, July 22, 1999

A vote for Bluto

Good morning, Bob. I read The Sunday Journal article by Mike
        Stanton -and pondered the "sparkling details ".
        So " Bluto Blutarsky" Cianci was not good enough in terms of
    " accomplishment and connection " to get through the tastefully
      worn doors of the venerable University Club ? To sample their
      vintage wine and socialize with vintage people ?
         I am reminded of the wise-crack : "  How can I respect a
      club that would have me for a member ? "
          I'm not sure that I would want " Bluto " in my living room
      to share a Miller-Lowlife with me !
            But my contempt for snobby,exclusive clubs is even greater.
       FDR and old Joe Kennedy were excluded from elite clubs in their
       university days. They got REVENGE on their " betters " , to be
            Let the University publish a list of ALL its members. We
      shall see, I'll bet, that " connection " is a bigger factor
      than accomplishment. And the truly accomplished amongst us
      are secure enough -unlike Mayor Cianci - not to seek membership
      in high-flying, exclusive clubs.
            Most people,you know, come from the same OLD FAMILY -
      the Monkey Family. Let the exceptions form a club of their
      own !

                   Have a nice day, Bob    -ron

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