Monday, April 4, 2022

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer

1 comment:

  1. The generic LEFT has this fixed idea that fascism begins with anti-Semitism. In the 21st century it does seem that fascism is beginning with arrogant ZIONISM in self-righteous defense of APARTHEID Israel and now SOVEREIGN Ukraine. The mainstream news media in the United States in practice always equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. My own experience is that ANY ideas and opinions that rub these mainstream news media based ZIONIST Jews the wrong way get censored as if it were Orwellian police state THOUGHT CRIME . So wonderful is " OUR democracy " ! We working class CHRISTIANS are clearly wallowing in " FREEDOM " and are all fired up over defending a SOVEREIGN Ukraine - the now sacrosanct cause of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in the United States, in the Ukraine, and in Israel.
    Beginning with the war criminal ZIONIST Jew Henry Kissinger, a long line of ZIONIST Jew statesmen have promoted in the United States the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. And they are doing this with the effete Wilsonian blather of the GREAT WAR of 1914 - remember the " war to make the world safe for democracy " .
    Is our American plutocracy on a higher moral level than the Russian oligarchy ?
    ZIONIST Jew pet Zelensky , the Ukrainian president of a dubious " democracy ," is being daily puffed up in the press of world imperialism. How many ordinary working class Ukrainians were longing for a dangerous and foolish alliance with effete, moribund , rotting NATO ?
    How many ordinary working class CHRISTIANS in the United States are all fired up over a SOVEREIGN Ukraine ?
    I speak not as a Donald Trump fan. I speak as a long time democratic socialist . Check out what famous popular science writer Isaac Asimov had to say about ZIONIST Israel. Should the Ukraine become a second APARTHEID Israel ?


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