Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Tell Yourself a New Story | Joel Osteen

1 comment:

  1. Joel Osteen sums up everything that went wrong with Christianity in the USA . Author Sinclair Lewis got in right in his novel " Elmer Gantry ".
    As a democratic socialist and an old fashioned pre-Vatican II Catholic I loathe any perceived connection between Christianity in general and American capitalism and imperialism and a truly unholy alliance with Zionist APARTHEID Israel .
    Listening to these " Jesus wants you to be rich " TV evangelists is real downer for anybody with a spark of FAITH left.
    [ “As Christians, Victoria and I feel that it is important to stand in support of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people,” said Pastor Joel Osteen in a press release. “As always, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” ]

    Contrast what Rev. Bouck White wrote more than a century ago (when there was a vibrant socialist movement in the USA ) with the sleazy- pro-capitalist Rev. Joel Osteen today .
    " Letters from Prison " by Rev. Bouck White . A good read .


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