Saturday, April 2, 2022

DeSantis Destroys 'Woke Disney', Conservative Cast Speak Out & More!

1 comment:

  1. INTERESTING : FROM FOX NEWS , April 2, 2022 :
    [Rabbi Yaakov Menken, executive director of the Coalition for Jewish Values (Coalition for Jewish Values)

    "It is tragic that an enterprise like Disney would succumb to a woke mob, commit itself to promoting alternative sexuality in its films, and fight the very set of values that made it the pre-eminent name in children's entertainment," Menken added. "We can only hope that saner heads will rapidly prevail."]
    This orthodox rabbi , Yaakov Menken ,no doubt , is nervous because it is becoming increasingly obvious to working class and middle class CHRISTIAN Americans that the very pillars of WOKE politics in the great American culture war are secular , non religious, anti-religious ZIONIST Jews in an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheism. For years now they have afflicted a POLITICAL CORRECTNESS reign of terror on ordinary Americans and public school teachers with spark of intellectual independence. They complete dominate" OPINION " ( ??? _ in the mainstream news media in the United States.
    These militant ZIONIST Jews are also not a collective force for peace on earth. In the " liberal " Democratic Party they have been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years now. And their idol in the Ukraine, President Zelensky , is an irresponsible war monger- would be GREAT LEADER of the effete, moribund rotting NATO alliance.
    Do these secular ZIONIST Jews want to recreate in 21st century USA the decadent conditions of Germany's ill fated Weimar Republic in the 1920s- a century ago ?


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