Tuesday, January 10, 2017

I hope the NPR staff discovers unemployment in the post Hillary era

What happened to NPR ?

During the 2016 election I was shocked by how neo-con -war mongering NPR had become.

 In no way was it the voice of the enlightened public. It was subservient to Hillary Clinton and the DNC.
 I suspect they hated " independent " minded COMMENTS. So they dropped them while still asking for public support to help preserve their phony " independence " - not from the ruling class, of course.

NO more COMMENT opportunity at NPR-RI.They were shocked that Bernie Sanders won the Democratic Primary here in Rhode Island.

 I hope they discover unemployment in the post-Hillary era.

  ["  NPR used to be my home. A place where I went to hear a story or two about the world at large, about America’s leadership, about people and places that awed and inspired me.
Now, it seems, fear-mongering has replaced journalism, and the balanced reporting has morphed into the straight arm of the Obama administration.
My frustration has been growing for a long time. I keep returning with the hope that those vitriolic reports I heard were just errors, or I misunderstood. "]
Image result for What happened to " liberal " NPR ?

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