Saturday, March 22, 2025

One of my 2001 posts: " Needed a new ' Port Huron statement "

Needed a new " Port Huron Statement " Reflecting on headlines of the past three months, I wonder about the state of youth today. What are the best and the brightest thinking as they see tired old men like Arafat and Sharon continue to wage tired old wars - indeed the Middle East seems more and more hopeless. Hate is the " gift " that keeps giving. Must the Jews annihilate the Palestinians ? Or the Palestinians the Jews ? HOW can the nightmare end ? I re-read with some bitterness the famous Port Huron Statement that founded the SDS ( Students for a Democratic Society ) in its primal innocence : " We are the people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit ". Bitterness mixed with nostalgia for an idealism that now seems impossible. Still the torch must be passed to the youth. It is about time they got a little rebellious. They might have fresh ideas. They might have sanity.

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