Sunday, March 23, 2025

Trump revoking legal status of a half-million immigrants

Ever since the famous " Communist Manifesto " of 1848 all sorts of socialists have had a vision of the world ( utopian ? ) where people were not stifled in " nation-state " prisons . The voiced conflicts between different nation-states so much in the news recently - even within some long standing alliance like NATO - recall the political atmosphere of August 1914 . Can there be another mass slaughter without the intervention of any state's nuclear weapons ? A way to snap " victory " from the jaws of defeat ? WAR is a function of society's ruling class . How many working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " can be aroused to war fever by stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ? Can any HUMAN social force effectively discourage hungry , desperate LIVING beings from crossing nation state borders ? Better luck with the monarch butterfly !

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