Saturday, March 22, 2025

from my 2001 blog posts " Cemetery Scandal "

Rest in peace ? Cemetery scandal Macabre headline in this morning's newspaper about " heinous " practices at a Florida cemetery ... owner of world's largest cemetery company " aware of grave desecrations .... loved ones were dug up and dumped in the woods , buried in the wrong graves. The bereaved families definitely not getting what they paid for ! When the profit motive goes berserk, one wonders about the future of human dignity. I always felt that we should take the profits out of the burial business. Egalitarianism should prevail in the end for ALL of us. One must ask : How much space in a crowded world can be set aside for the dear departed anyway ? We should ALL be buried cheaply with simple dignity in bio-degradable coffins ( if not cremated ) . Bereaved families should be charged NOTHING for final resting places. Take the profits out of the funeral racket. And we can ALL rest in peace ! This hideous story is just capitalism in its infinite ugliness. God can do wonders with our dust if we are just patient enough. Remember from NOTHING came EVERYTHING !

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