Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Amazing dialogue in the charming movie " A Little Romance " [ But " why is there something rather than nothing at all ? ) The girl star ( Diane Lane ) is already reading Heidegger !

School has certainly changed since I was in the seventh grade. Itisn't for school. I'm just reading it for fun. Fun? Heidegger? Why were you hiding it from me? Most people think anyone who reads heidegger's weird. Oh, I don't. Though I'll have to admit that philosophy was never one of my strong subjects in college. Heidegger. You really understand that? Mm-hmm. Heidegger isn't all that hard. His stuff is mostly etymological. You know, like, why is there something rather than nothing at all? Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. ]

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