Monday, March 3, 2025

European leaders meet with Ukraine’s Zelenskyy to discuss Russia's war |...

All the bourgeois governments of Europe, intoxicated with MADE IN THE USA stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago -with amazing chutzpah - promise to protect " sovereign " Ukraine with their own ground troops if necessary . They will call upon a mostly CHRISTIAN working class to make sacrifices ( as if their lives were not already stressed enough with ordinary capitalist exploitation and oppression ) for the " Greater Israel " agenda of the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky , president for life (? ) of Ukraine . To hell with our European Union " welfare state " when BIG BAD POST-COMMUNIST Russia threatens " OUR democracy " ! Do they think that combat soldiers are docile idiot killing machines ? Recall how the Russian Revolution began in 1917 and how Lenin's Bolshevik Party triumphed over the Russian Czar and the Russian bourgeoisie

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