Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Strained Relationship - The Complex History Between Black and Jewish A...

Within the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party there is a distinct alliance ( or intrigue ) between prominent ZIONIST Jews and less prominent but ambitious , Black colleagues ( to be patronized , groomed , and mentored ) . What American Black Muslim leader Malcolm X had to say about the real relationship between Blacks and Jews way back in 1965 is still disturbingly relevant today. Malcolm X saw these Jews as basically exploiters of Black people. Also, note how cleverly secular ( often anti-Christian ) ZIONIST Jew activists have brainwashed traditional CHRISTIANS to accept the bellicose tenets of Zionist APARTHEID Israel . A PROMISED LAND but for Jews only - even affluent ZIONIST Jews fleeing persecution in New York City. [To be sure , Black Muslim Malcolm X spoke harshly about Black-Jewish relations in the United States . Read " Malcolm's ambivalence toward, 196-197 , " Malcolm The Life of a Man Who Changed Black America " by Bruce Perry, 1991 : " He [ Malcolm ] suggested that Jews were the chief exploiters of America's blacks.... " He was unimpressed with the fact that many Jews were members of the NAACP ; he said it was comparable to Jesse James joining the trustees of a bank he intended to rob. The main reason Jews were in the forefront of the civil rights movement , he said, was that the more attention they focused upon ' the Negro question " the more hostility they could deflect from themselves .... On the other hand , there was justification for his criticism of Jews who fled to suburbia solely because blacks moved into their neighborhoods . " ' When there's something worth owning, the Jew's got it ', he asserted. At times he was defensive about accusations that he was anti-Jewish. ' I know I'll hear ANTI-SEMITIC from every direction, he lamented after one Jewish diatribe. ' Oh, yes. But truth is truth " . ] @Malikav0311 And what is YOUR position on these issues that concern anti-ZIONIST Christians ? Was Malcolm X right about the real relationship between Blacks and Jews in the United States ? The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats have adopted the old STALINST trick of associating DISSENT with MENTAL ILLNESS . But who are more paranoid and neurotic than the friends of APARTHEID Israel ? Idolatry of Israel has made most Jews in the United States the most annoying ethno-centric people on the planet. Do Jews In the News- like Harvey Weinstein and Jerry Epstein - and arrogant ZIONIST Jews in the Democratic Party- promote warm feelings toward the " Chosen People " ? Does contempt for the CHRISTIAN parents of America worried sick over crackpot transgender controversies ? Harvey Weinstein ,while being honored, advised an audience of fellow ZIONIST Jews to "learn from the Mafia " . how to deal with their enemies. Do I still make " zero contextual sense " here ,Malikov 109 ? Reply @AmunRa14 11 hours ago That was an excellent analysis... 👍👊✊

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