Monday, July 1, 2024

Video Now: Trump makes remarks after debate, 'This election is a choice ...

The appeal to crude nationalism is indeed a signpost of FASCISM. But the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has also been beating war drums against POST-COMMUNIST Russia for years now. There is not a single elected official in Washington D.C. who is not , in the final analysis, pro-militarism , pro - American imperialism, pro-Israeli Zionism , and pro-exploiting , oppressing greedy, irrational capitalism. This is no year to start nuclear World War III on grounds that the leaders of the UNFREE world do not live up to the high moral standards of our fine leaders and government institutions : Joe Biden & Son , Donald Trump & Son in Law, the CIA , the FBI, Homeland Security , " Deep State ", to the lofty moral vision of the New York Times editorial board, of the super-patriotic military-industrial complex. What does the collective American ruling class now have to offer the working class millions but a promise of war and further economic misery , and perhaps " a promise of battles won " ? Anyway , what is left of " OUR democracy " is best represented by corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden , the Conqueror of Afghanistan ? And that endearing PARTY OF THE PEOPLE , the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ? The 20thy century illustrated the truth that a capitalist-imperialist government with severe internal crisis inevitably fires the masses up with hatred for some designated villainous foreign enemy or EVIL EMPIRE . How many young Americans of military age are eager - inspired by Wilsonian blather that false more than a century ago - to join the next Great Crusade " to make the world safe for democracy " ?

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