Saturday, July 27, 2024

RFK JR Calls Out THE SWAMP, Says No To War Profiteers In Cabinet Positions

Highlighted reply @4thebees 4 minutes ago I don’t understand how one can call himself an independent socialist that’s so contradictory!? Have you not paid attention to history and what socialism does to a country and it’s people wow, dude?!?!?? Reply @ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago @4thebees We are " educated " to think that SOCIALISM " can't work " , so the very IDEA of it must be ridiculous ? Show me a thinking working class person who thinks CAPITALISM is wonderful ? Or that capitalism works for US ? If the the working class , of course, had to be convinced or persuaded that it is EXPLOITED and OPPRESSED , then the socialist movement would be ridiculous . Since Karl Marx ( circa 1848 ) highly educated socialists have offered to the workers of the world a RATIONAL explanation for the evils of capitalism and advice on how to replace it with a minimum of violence . As Marx said , " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class " . Since this class also controls public education and the mainstream news media , it is no surprise that even most " educated " Americans are clueless about the history of socialism . In the long view of history rational ideas are all powerful . How many " educated " Jews in this country are aware of the role Jewish immigrants played here in the organized labor struggles and their prominence in socialist and communist third parties ? A new generation of young Jews should read American socialist Irving Howe's book " World of Our Fathers " . The goal of our ruling class is to quarantine and discredit the very idea of SOCIALISM . So far they have been quite successful in this. Consider the number of left-wing, brilliant scientists who espoused SOCIALISM . A famous essay by Albert Einstein " Why Socialism ". Linus Pauling , who campaigned against nuclear bomb tests, was a socialist. And J. Robert Oppenheimer , while the very father of the atomic bomb, certainly flirted with communism and communists. Astronomer Carl Sagan ( " The Demon Haunted World " ) said he smuggled into Russia Leon Trotsky's " History of the Russian Revolution " . If you think any thing or idea is " so contradictory " it is because of the dialectical logic of a very contradictory world .

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