Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bernie Sanders' 1979 Eugene Debs Documentary

Old Bernie Sanders, with that poster in his office of Eugene V. Debs staring down at him, has been clueless about the ABCs of CLASS STRUGGLE, Marxism instructed , SOCIALISM for most of his political career that was compromised from the beginning . Just a very small print footnote to history : Bernie Sanders was a presidential elector for the Socialist Workers Party in Vermont 1980 while I was a presidential elector for the SWP here in Rhode Island in that same year ( along with an activist woman named Annette Gagne . Although SOCIALISM as an idea and ideal is futile in today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party , I must admit that most pretentious Marxist-Leninist-Trotskyist- Maoist VANGUARD parties seem to have degenerated into dull minded , slightly deranged personality cults ( many think that endlessly bashing God , Christianity , and the Catholic Church endears them to ordinary working class people ). The old Socialist Workers Party, once led by the " real thing " revolutionary James P. Cannon, decades ago degenerated under the leadership of the now senile Jack Barnes. His SWP now slobbers over ZIONISM and ZIONIST APARTHEID Israel. I guess they think that the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu and the New York Times editorial board know who the real-anti-Semites are ( mostly on the Left ? ) . Ironically Bernie Sanders might be to the Left of the " reformed " SWP !

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