Monday, July 15, 2024

How the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump Unfolded | WSJ News

Led by President Joe Biden , the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats on THE DAY AFTER fulminate against political violence. That is not what " OUR democracy " is all about ! Can WE THE PEOPLE come together on greedy, irrational capitalism ; vulture souled, always belligerent American imperialism ; and Old Testament- righteous Israeli Zionism ? Applaud the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu of APARTHEID Israel ( scheduled to be hailed by the assembled US Congress here on July 24 ) ? Also applaud the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine ? Also applaud and vote APPROVE for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Then , I guess, " OUR democracy " still has a bright and shining future ! And non-violence for ever ! Amazing how our ruling class politicians compartmentalize their love of non-violence ! Also touching is their century old respect ( actually more than a century , back when famous author Mark Twain was protesting the beginning of the Age of American imperialism ) their RESPECT for SOVEREIGN nations everywhere on earth - like Chile in 1973 .

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