Thursday, July 25, 2024

‘Iran’s useful idiots’: Netanyahu says Iran is ‘funding’ anti-Israel pro...

@ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago Israeli genocide in GAZA , Palestine is no way to assure " Never Again ". A hundred years from now wherever the proud openly ZIONIST Jew travels on the planet he will sense a shaming finger pointed at him : " J 'accuse ! " @Raee390 19 hours ago The guest is shamelessly insulting the host, and insulting them for their freedom of expression and civil rights. It is terrible. @giresunkalesi 17 hours ago Basically what Netanyahu is saying is we need the US army to fight Israel's wars in the middle east and also we need billions of US tax dollars coming our way @ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago Working class CHRISTIANS of military recruiting age in " OUR democracy " will never be aroused to the war fever mental state over the bellicose affairs of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel or those of the ZIONIST Jew warmonger , embezzler in " Greater Israel " Ukraine , V. Zelensky. " OUR democracy " , that is our REAL democracy , SPEAKS ! Wisdom in a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "

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