Monday, July 1, 2024

Video Now: Supreme Court sends Trump immunity case back to lower court

The Trials of Donald Trump just confirm the traditional Marxist view of THE LAW in the capitalist system. It is , in the final analysis, a reflection of the WILL of the ruling class in contention with itself and with the lower classes. How many professional enemies of the working class does Harvard Law School crank out every happy graduation day ? No wonder right wing politicians would boldly display the Ten Commandments monuments in public parks and instruct school kids in the wisdom of the Old Testament . The majestic LAW in capitalist America needs the support of DIVINE authority ! Was THE LAW that makes PRIVATE PROPERTY almost sacrosanct programmed IN THE BEGINNING , perhaps even in the BIG BANG ? THEY want to be sure that GOD the FATHER hates SOCIALISM as much as THEY do !

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