Thursday, March 7, 2024

ANTI-ZIONIST GOOGLE engineer ? New York Post story

NY Post “ A Google engineer sparked a ruckus at a New York tech conference when he accused an executive from the search giant’s Israel-based operations of “powering genocide” by cooperating with the Israeli government. Barak Regev, managing director of Google Israel, was delivering a lecture at the “Mind the Tech” conference in New York City on Monday when a man wearing an orange Google T-shirt stood up and identified himself as an engineer in the company’s Cloud division. “I refuse to build technology that powers genocide, apartheid or surveillance,” the engineer said, eliciting jeers and catcalls from the audience at the conference, which was sponsored by an Israeli financial newspaper. “Project Nimbus puts Palestinian community members in danger,” the engineer said. As the engineer was being ushered out of the room by security, he yelled: “Don’t cloud for apartheid. Don’t tech for apartheid.” In April 2021, the Israeli government announced that both Google and Amazon would be partners in a $1.2 billion initiative called “Project Nimbus,” which would provide an “all-encompassing cloud solution” to government agencies, including its defense establishment. The conference was held with the goal of “emphasizing the importance of a united global tech community standing alongside Israel in ethical leadership.” Regev abruptly ended his speech after another protester interrupted him, shouting, “Free Palestine.”

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