Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, March 31, 2023
So " nobody is above the law " in capitalist USA ?
WOKE WARRIOR Democrats would have you believe that Donald Trump is the root of all evil in " OUR democracy "
Thursday, March 30, 2023
I said this about the Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez way back in 1999
Why not confiscate all abominable mass murder guns in the United States and sell them to NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky ?
None of these hack Democrat candidates for US Congress in Rhode Island will make much difference in your life
Of course , the arrested in Russia Wall St. Journal reporter, Evan Geshkovich , was not a spy ?
Wasted lives ! Wasted deaths !
Fwd: Patriot owner Robert Kraft the IDEAL Jew to combat anti-Semitism ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 11:21
Subject: Patriot owner Robert Kraft the IDEAL Jew to combat anti-Semitism ?
To: <>
Is New England Patriot's owner Robert Kraft the IDEAL Jew to combat real or imagined anti-Semitism ?
Is New England Patriot's owner Robert Kraft the IDEAL Jew to combat real or imagined anti-Semitism ?
A shabby , paltry " Catholic " ( ? ) miracle story
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
So far the Rhode Island Democrats who have presented themselves for the US Congress are the most mediocre " progressive " hacks
Fwd: Traditional Catholics and Protestants have become second class citizens or downright " deplorables " in " Greater Israel USA "
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 at 11:57
Subject: Traditional Catholics and Protestants have become second class citizens or downright " deplorables " in " Greater Israel USA "
To: Letters <>
This " media mockery of prayer , subtle smears against Christianity " is all too obviously controlled by secular ZIONIST Jews, besotted with WOKE ideas , in alliance with the obnoxious New Atheists . Tradition Catholics and Protestants have become second class citizens or downright " deplorables " in Greater Israel USA . #FoxNews today March 29 , 2023 : [ Media mockery of prayer, 'subtle smears' against Christianity marks coverage of Nashville massacre FOXNEWS.COM Media mockery of prayer, 'subtle smears' against Christianity marks coverage of Nashville massacre Faith leaders respond to the criticism by journalists, entertainers and activists who have ... " ]
Old Joe Kennedy, the father of JFK , had an undeserved reputation as an anti- Semite . But he did say that THEY make a mess of everything .
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Wisdom on getting old
[ I'll soon be 67 and will share my thoughts on your question. Aging is inevitable if we keep having birthdays and, as for me, I like that I keep having birthdays. I recognize that my health could decline at some point and I may no longer look forward to more birthdays but until then…
Maintain a positive attitude. I'm not talking about a false glibness but a real gratitude for how far your body has taken you. Appreciate your body. Be really good to it. Treat it as your most precious asset as it's the only one you're going to get.
Take your body for regular walks. Appreciate what your eyes can see, your nose can smell, and your ears can hear. Wonder at the sun on your face or its warmth on your back. Watch the wind in the trees, listen for the sound of children's laughter.
Feed your body good food. Get rid of the junk food in your house. If you want brownies make them from scratch. Once you get used to making things for yourself you'll be disgusted by the taste of preservatives and additives in prepackaged food. Your digestive system, your heart and circulatory system will love you for it so much that you will be able to tell the difference.
Spend lots of time with your family, letting them know how much you love them. One of you won't be around before you're ready for it.
Cultivate your friends. Any old ones are always great for walks down memory lane including all the stupid things you've done. Laughter is such wonderful medicine. Look for opportunities to make new ones. Sit somewhere different in places you frequent Friend someone on Facebook and seek opportunities to meet in the real world—coffee in the morning or for a drink in the evening. Don't be fearful of going places alone. One of my best friends right now is someone I met four years ago sitting next to them at a bar where I'd gone for a glass of wine and to people watch.
Read—the news, a novel, a joke that you want to remember to tell someone. Reading takes you to places you've never been before. If you don't like one book, try another. Maybe you'll like biographies, history, suspense, romance, or science fiction. Reading exercises your brain and gives you topics and/or information to share with your family and friends. It will make you interested and interesting]
If hospital WOKERS get little respect , what can helpless hospital patients expect ?
WOKE thinking has completely warped the common sense and common decency of the smug WOKE Democrats
Can the dumb news media tell us something about Audrey Hale's " MANIFESTO " ?
Christian feudalism was a kinder world than today's nihilistic capitalism
Whatever is left of the JEWISH working class must oppose right wing ZIONISM
" America's military must be strong " in order to protect the interests of " FREE WORLD " global capitalism, Israeli Zionism, and DEEP STATE American imperialism
Was my comment yesterday removed by some hack without John Gonsalves' " critical thinking " skills ?
Monday, March 27, 2023
The first wave of Ukrainian refugees in Poland looked like affluent , middle class American tourists
Consider what the popular science writer , Isaac Asimov , had to say about modern Israel some years ago
World War III on the horizon ? Any future peace movement or mass anti-war protests will function independently of the Democratic Party
Democratic socialists can only applaud this mass protest in Israel against Netanyahu being above THE LAW.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
The only country that ever used atomic weapons against civilians en mass was the United States
Together forever - American Imperialism and Israeli Zionism
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Drug addict salvation and Dr. Viktor Frankl's " Man's Search for Meaning "
The CLASS STRUGGLE in capitalist society can quickly turn Darwinian violent and ugly
Homeless hell - when CLASS STRUGGLE turns Darwinian violent and ugly
Fanatically identifying yourself with an endlessly persecuted ( ??? ) " community " is not an accomplishment in life
The Mexican president is right about third world banana republic treatment of former president Donald Trump
American imperialism and Israeli Zionism preparing us for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia
WE THE PEOPLE need a third party , an American Labor Party - like the British Labor Party but LESS moderate , more CLASS conscious
Friday, March 24, 2023
Syria - American imperialism is colluding with Israeli Zionism to plunge our not -so-free world into nuclear World War III with a new designated " axis of evil " : Russia, China, Iran
A SOLUTION for these fiendish guns not being sold to any psychopath or jackass in the country ?
One less than " revolutionary " thought on reforming public school education
Why do these WOKE " liberal " Democrats in " OUR democracy " still slobber over royalty ?
Thursday, March 23, 2023
We democratic socialists support this strike of Rhode Island School of Design workers
Unlike conservative Republican voters the WOKE Democrats are TOTALLY out of touch with ordinary working class Americans . And I speak as an old SOCIALIST !
Peter Camejo : " How to Make a Revolution in the United States " ( 1969 )
WOKE Zionist Jews patronize, mentor , groom, and corrupt ambitious Black leaders
How many of our kids are rushing to military recruiting offices eager to save " sovereign " Ukraine ?
The state bureaucrats would just like to make the homeless people less visible
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
WOKE Democrats out of touch with ordinary working class ( and mostly CHRISTIAN ) Americans ?
Needed a saving sense of humor in " The Culture of Narcissism "
Such a truly monstrous ORWELLIAN state bureaucracy oversees car owners in Rhode Island
Fwd: In " OUR democracy " so many high placed ZIONIST Jews qualify as incorrigible CLASS enemies of the proletariat ? For example, US treasury secretary Janet Yellen
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 at 10:13
Subject: In " OUR democracy " so many high placed ZIONIST Jews qualify as incorrigible CLASS enemies of the proletariat ? For example, US treasury secretary Janet Yellen
To: Letters, NYT <>
How many high placed ZIONIST Jews qualify as incorrigible CLASS enemies of the proletariat ?
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
To be homeless in America for any length is to be condemned to daily attacks on your physical and mental health
The now EXPANDING universe ? Anyway the wonder of it all is worthy of Spinoza's God ( as Einstein would think )
" What are the most common regrets that people have once they grow old ? "
[ " I will be 60 in a couple of months. My wife passed away from cancer in 2021. My life has been about shedding away way more than I would have liked over these past months. We were married 37 years, together 38. I regret that I did what most, maybe all, young people do, assume too much.
When we're young we assume that we know what's true. We don't. We listen to people who claim to know what's true. They don't. I regret that I wasn't the person I am now. I don't have many opinions. Opinions are destroying us as people because we have been taught that opinions matter more than a simple love for one another.
I sat with my wife as she breathed her last breath. I learned then that very little matters at the end of it all. What does matter a great deal is always efforting to be a better person. Goodness and compassion are far more important than thinking one is right and defending that. If I could go back in time I would worry less, spend my time and money on relationships and experiences and forget about many of the things that we are taught matter. I now know they do not.
You can have a huge house a perfect car and an amazing job. When you die, and you will die, those won't be the things that you will wish you had focused on. I can tell you that we actually have very few actual needs. We have a ton of wants. Those wants burn up our life." ]
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has completely destroyed the illusion that THE LAW rises above politics
Monday, March 20, 2023
There was a more enlightened attitude toward child molesters in the late 50s and early 60s
Our over praised " free " capitalist system is challenged to find - not decent HOMES - but just presentable shelters for a few hundred individuals ?
The Good Earth is dying . I refer you to H.P. Lovecraft's " COSMIC HORROR ".
This REPARATIONS nonsense can only appeal to ignorant but ambitious , PETTY BOURGEOIS , social climbing ( especially via AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ) Black individuals
Find a Rhode Island Democrat politician with any social imagination
Whatever " defunding the police " means in a major crime wave they should not be lacking a decent work environment
Fwd: China has as much claim on Taiwan as my state of Rhode Island has on Block Island
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 at 10:39
Subject: China has as much claim on Taiwan as my state of Rhode Island has on Block Island
To: <>
As a long time independent democratic socialist I can never idealize ANY nation-state . An honest student of world history will understand , for example , that for all their good points there is nothing " special " about Imperial America or APARTHEID Israel . China's Xi Jinping is right to assert that the world of the 21st century is too big for one dominant super power. Some years ago Russia's Vladimir Putin gave us a perfectly respectable lecture on our own arrogance in believing that WE , " OUR democracy " has some special mission to save or police the world. To be sure , WE THE PEOPLE will not tolerate a nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. And " communist " ( not according to MARX ! ) China has as much claim on Taiwan as my state of Rhode Island has on Block Island . But where
Democratic socialists can never idealize ANY nation state -not Imperial America, not APARTHEID Israel
Sunday, March 19, 2023
On all fronts the Democratic Party is abandoning common sense and common decency
The pillars of WOKE nonsense are secular , anti- Christian , ZIONIST Jews in an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheism
Ayn Rand ZIONIST Jews are the pillars of WOKE nonsense that approves the transgender sexual mutilation of children
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Fwd: Trump to be arrested Tuesday, you say ? The NYT invariably speaks for powerful ZIONIST Jews. No kidding Chuck Todd !
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2023 at 14:58
Subject: Trump to be arrested Tuesday, you say ? The NYT invariably speaks for powerful ZIONIST Jews. No kidding Chuck Todd !
To: Letters, NYT <>
There seems to be a decidedly lack of harmony within the American ruling class. The New York Times invariably speaks for powerful ZIONIST Jews. No kidding Chuck Todd !
" OUR democracy " saves Iraq ?
![]() | U.K.: We Iraqis Had Survived Saddam Hussein. It Was the US Invasion That Destroyed Our Lives |
Mar. 17, 2023. Published in The Guardian "The Americans and their allies seemed to have a plan to eradicate the Ba'athists rapidly and efficiently." |
World Socialist Web Site sees left wing journalist Chris Hedges as sucking up to the Far Right ?
According to Socialist Equality Party leader David North left wing journalist Chris Hedges is now sucking up to the Far Right ?
Fwd: Have YOU had enough of sleazy ,unctuous Martin Hoke " NAVAGE " nose cleaner commercials ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2023 at 12:23
Subject: Have YOU had enough of sleazy ,unctuous Martin Hoke " NAVAGE " nose cleaner commercials ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
How many TV viewers and radio listeners have had quite enough of being bludgeoned by these unctuous - possibly health dangerous - NAVAGE nose cleaner commercials ? We do live in the Golden Age of False Advertising . A sane society would ban all these health care FOR PROFIT industry and Big Pharma radio and TV commercials . How greedy can this Martin Hoke character get ? A former sleazy ,election losing Republican member of Congress ?