Tuesday, March 21, 2023

" What are the most common regrets that people have once they grow old ? "

 [ "  I will be 60 in a couple of months. My wife passed away from cancer in 2021. My life has been about shedding away way more than I would have liked over these past months. We were married 37 years, together 38. I regret that I did what most, maybe all, young people do, assume too much.

When we're young we assume that we know what's true. We don't. We listen to people who claim to know what's true. They don't. I regret that I wasn't the person I am now. I don't have many opinions. Opinions are destroying us as people because we have been taught that opinions matter more than a simple love for one another.

I sat with my wife as she breathed her last breath. I learned then that very little matters at the end of it all. What does matter a great deal is always efforting to be a better person. Goodness and compassion are far more important than thinking one is right and defending that. If I could go back in time I would worry less, spend my time and money on relationships and experiences and forget about many of the things that we are taught matter. I now know they do not.

You can have a huge house a perfect car and an amazing job. When you die, and you will die, those won't be the things that you will wish you had focused on. I can tell you that we actually have very few actual needs. We have a ton of wants. Those wants burn up our life." ]

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