Thursday, August 11, 2022

@C R As a democratic socialist I absolutely believe in the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization -a tradition frequently mocked by WOKE illiberal liberal Democrats in recent decades. The Democratic Party pretends to be the arch-enemy of all forms of racism and bigotry and " HATE " groups. But no way can racism and sexism and homophobia ever disappear under rat race capitalism. Nice to think that the NICE PEOPLE in Deep State would start nuclear World War III in defense of THEIR " democracy " without any HATE in their hearts. The lying mainstream news media daily tries to associate WHITE SUPREMACY with " deplorable " working class CHRISTIANS who have lost illusions of the Democratic Party - which now stinks of WOKE elitism - being THE PARTY of the common people , of the working class. And many WOKE Zionist Jews in the Democratic Party do not apply Critical Race Theory to Apartheid Israel -which has a lot in common with the old South Africa. Nope, no HATE here

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