Saturday, August 20, 2022

The unspoken premise of ALL Democratic or Republican candidates for Mayor of Providence is that their job competition in or out of office , or seeking office is either stupidly incompetent or have a perverse will to harm or frustrate whole classes of people. Governing THE CITY is all about character and " who's the most qualified for the job ". With these gifts they fight among themselves like wolves over a fresh kill deer. Apparently THE PAST proves that Providence voters are routinely poor judges of character. Until the "Candidate- on- the White Horse " shows up in town. How do we know that this time IT IS THE REAL THING ? Because his or her advertising firm tells us so . Or his or her WOKE Ivy League credentials . It seems that nobody has a chance of getting elected to high office in Rhode Island unless they are certified oblivious to the world of common working class people. If any if the candidates for Mayor of Providence ever had an introductory college course in radical social criticism of American capitalist society , it left their memory hole like water off the proverbial duck's back. Yes, WHO is most qualified to mislead and bamboozle the voters ? That is the question . DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS need not-or will not- apply ! Our capitalist ruling class always knows WHO and WHAT is best for us .

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