Thursday, August 11, 2022

As a long time democratic socialist - rather abstemious myself - I think the state led WAR ON DRUGS has been a social calamity from the beginning . It should suffice that any prescription drug carry a warning of dangerous side effects . But I also think that ALL mood altering and pain reducing drugs should NOT require any doctor's prescription . Like LSD - Dr. Timothy Leary's famous " tune in, turn on , drop out " drug of the late 60s . Do you need a doctor's prescription for nicotine and alcohol ? By the way those drug commercials going with TV news are an abomination . We live in the Golden Age of False Advertising ! As a consequence of a foolish WAR ON DRUGS elderly people with chronic pain are being denied a doctor's prescription. As if any 80 year old woman at the door of HOSPICE should have official - and officious - protection from deleterious ADDICTION . COMPLETELY end the foolish war on drugs . Listen to this New Age beatnik !

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