Friday, August 12, 2022

Archimedes and Bobby Darin song " Splish Splash I was taking a bath "- Message from old friend Ronnie Marshall

A school science experiment -" Dipping into science " (Projo Dec.6 , C1 West Bay) .The picture shows Nicole Boucher immersed in a tub of water. A little too C-O-L-D Nicole ? The story does not mention that the Rocky Hill school demonstration was a repeat of the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes famous experiment: Was the King of Syracuse cheated by a goldsmith ? Was the royal crown a fraud ? While in the tub ( Splish, Splash, I was taking a bath ! ) he had a " eureka " idea - the volume of the water he displaced in the tub was equal to the volume of his body - an irregular shape like the king's crown . It was then a simple matter to compare the volume of the crown with its weight - volume divided by weight equals DENSITY. Yes, the crown was a fraud and the goldsmith's head - we assume - was lost to science ! Just this criticism : Why the extravaganza to demonstrate a rather simple concept ? The main problem was to determine the volume of an irregular body - a rock would have sufficed ! The students could learn a lesson in CONCENTRATION from old Archimedes : He was killed while studying a geometric figure. Bertrand Russell suspects that the Roman soldier who murdered him -against orders! - had suffered through Euclid's geometry . - - - - - - - - - comment: Ron, I love it! This is the most creative and interesting post I've seen for months. Keep up the great work. You're the second Democrat on this forum that's got a real brain. One question, was it a good looking girl? Ciao Guy - - - - - - - - comment from Ron Marshall: Hi Ron, You tickled my funny bone by using "Splish Splash.." in your post on Archimedes! It proves that the happy, liberated kid in you is irrepressible! I noticed that you did manage to touch some cord in Guy Fawkes. That alone is something close to a miracle! Even with all his emotional Fail Safe defenses up and that hard crust to fortify them, I think something genuinely free & ALIVE flew in under his radar. A song like Splash Splish could easily strike a vibrant cord in him., since he could very well associate it with a more carefree younger "happy days." I think something of the truth you spoke about in our chat, about finding a world outside ourselves and feeling liberated, is so compelling that not even a staid and crusty conservative like GF can escape it. He may still be responding in a self-referential way, but he was able to get outside himself also and acknowledge that you'd done something "fantastic." And yes, he learned even a poor dumb Democrat can have a brain!

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