Wednesday, May 4, 2022

How can the SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS be a divine right ?

The so called LEFT that is hopelessly attached to the Democratic Party will foment mass hysteria over a possible Supreme Court reconsideration of " Roe vs. Wade to hustle votes for WOKE " progressive " Democrat politicians in the 2022 elections. As a longtime independent democratic socialist myself - and one of those rare pre-Vatican II Catholics - I cannot associate the RIGHT TO LIFE crowd with nasty , right wing hatefulness. The WOKE Democrats surpass any " conservative " Catholics I know in hateful scorn for political opponents. One RIGHT the WOKE Democrats are no longer very passionate about : FREE SPEECH ! The sane and rational feminism of the 60s and 70s has degenerated into deranged THIRD WAVE FEMINISM - an anti-family , anti-God , force for evil in the world. This has contributed a sort of satanic chaos to our decadent - approaching German Weimar Republic levels of the 1920s - Culture of Hedonism & Narcissism. The New Democratic Party a long way from FDR and JFK is tied to the obnoxious New Atheism . As a democratic socialist I have no quarrel with RIGHT TO LIFE agendas or with any Supreme Court re-thinking of Roe vs. Wade. How can the SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS be a divine right ? I have always opposed this CAPITALIST DEATH CULTURE . Unlike many false " socialists " in the Democratic Party. Where do they stand? RI congressional candidates weigh in on abortion rights YOUTUBE.COM Where do they stand? RI congressional candidates weigh in on abortion rights The leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision that would overturn Ro

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